Late, Late At Night - The Rick Springfield Story
Late, Late At Night - The Rick Springfield Story
Code one presents..

Late, Late At Night - The Rick Springfield Story

Brass Monkey (Cronulla, NSW)
Sunday, 6 April 2025 6:30 pm
48 days away
18 Plus
Dinner & Show

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Venue opens 6.30pm & Show starts Approx 8pm / Please book carefully as no refunds or exchanges / Price is per person & a barcoded ticket each will be issued / For Info & Enquiries Contact: / Menu:
Dinner & Show - Table for 2 - 18+
{{ requestedInventory['8a517fc1-89af-46be-9640-666902da2eb8'] }}
Dinner & Show - Table for 3 - 4 - 18+
{{ requestedInventory['4c977698-c069-466f-8164-aee5ea1a84d0'] }}
Dinner & Show - Table for 5-8 / 18+
{{ requestedInventory['8101eeac-9a22-4159-b9dd-9229ecf369e1'] }}
Dinner & Show - Bench Seating - 18+
Seating along the bar on high back stools - Stage view will be unobstructed
{{ requestedInventory['489032d8-87a6-4c35-acb5-3c2eea2b6b4a'] }}
Show Only - No Seating Provided - 18+
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Directed by Robert Johnson, and written by multi-award-winning local playwright, Kieran Carroll, Late, Late at Night is a vast one-man pop-rock play based on Rick Springfield’s autobiography of the same name. Moving between text and song throughout, the production runs just over two hours and is performed by acclaimed Sydney actor/singer, Jackson Carroll (no relation to Kieran) in a huge, demanding role-playing 20 songs from Rick Springfield's vast fifty-year career, combined with both a traumatic and dizzying narrative. 

Late, Late At Night is a tumultuous and exhilarating journey of an Australian-American songwriter whose 17 top 40 hits in America with sales of 25 million albums worldwide, make him one of Australia’s most successful musical exports of all time.

An epic journey of a suburban boy whose journey to fame and fortune came with enormous personal costs.

“Late, Late At Night is an electrifying tale of survival and redemption not to be missed. Sydney based singer-actor, Jackson Carroll is a revelation. Five stars" Nick Pilgrim for Theatre People. 

“The casting is superb. Jackson Carroll has the looks, the energy, and the voice...” What Did She Think

With the permission of and based on the best-selling autobiography Late, Late At Night by Rick Springfield.