A Tribute to Stevie Ray Vaughan Feat: Bryce Cohen
A Tribute to Stevie Ray Vaughan Feat: Bryce Cohen
Code One presents..

A Tribute to Stevie Ray Vaughan Feat: Bryce Cohen

Brass Monkey (Cronulla, NSW)
Saturday, 12 April 2025 6:30 pm
54 days away
18 Plus

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Venue opens 6.30pm / Music starts Approx 7.45pm / Please book carefully as no refunds or exchanges / Price is per person & a barcoded ticket each will be issued / For Info & Enquiries Contact: brassmonkeycronulla@gmail.com / Menu: www.brassmonkey.com.au/menu
Dinner & Show - Table for 2 - 18+
{{ requestedInventory['e34313d0-559b-42f0-9737-278cc11a74d9'] }}
Dinner & Show - Table for 3 - 4 - 18+
Allocation Exhausted
Dinner & Show - Table for 5-8 / 18+
{{ requestedInventory['716babee-4fc5-407c-bf38-1ca344d23226'] }}
Dinner & Show - Bench Seating - 18+
Seating along the bar on high back stools - Stage view will be unobstructed
{{ requestedInventory['59f323ae-45db-46a8-91cd-c5cdc20494cc'] }}
Show Only - No Seating Provided - 18+
{{ requestedInventory['11a631dc-5a79-4f60-9248-39b59b5bdeac'] }}
Bryce Cohen, a skilled guitarist known for his soulful playing and electrifying performances, brings the magic of Stevie Ray Vaughan back to life. Hailing from the heart of the blues, Bryce has spent years perfecting his craft, drawing inspiration from the legendary SRV.

Join Bryce for an unforgettable evening as he pays tribute to the life and legacy of Stevie Ray Vaughan.