Brothers in Arms – The Dire Straits Tribute
Brothers in Arms – The Dire Straits Tribute
Access All Eras & Code One presents..

Brothers in Arms – The Dire Straits Tribute

Brass Monkey (Cronulla, NSW)
Friday, 9 May 2025 6:30 pm
41 days away
18 Plus
Dinner & Show

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Venue opens 6.30pm / Music starts Approx 8.30pm / Please book carefully as no refunds or exchanges / Price is per person & a barcoded ticket each will be issued / Contact: / Menu:
Dinner & Show - Table for 2 - 18+
{{ requestedInventory['aa809922-317d-4002-9e6c-d32feb5164ba'] }}
Dinner & Show - Table for 3 - 4 - 18+
{{ requestedInventory['342560aa-7919-46d6-a96a-84b23ff5766f'] }}
Dinner & Show - Table for 5-8 / 18+
{{ requestedInventory['edcff3ed-9a35-4072-bfce-af3f87cfa9b9'] }}
Dinner & Show - Bench Seating - 18+
Seating along the bar on high back stools - Stage view will be unobstructed
{{ requestedInventory['bfe013df-bad9-4f7b-8061-a40cc9b7e60e'] }}
Show Only - No Seating Provided - 18+
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Access All Eras will be launching the Dire Straits Show at the Monkey with a perfect lineup. They've got their best Sydney musicians back together for the "Brothers in Arms" band, a tribute to Mark Knopfler and his early work with Dire Straits. Expect to hear your favourites: "Money For Nothing", "Sultans Of Swing", "Walk of Life, "Telegraph Road", "So Far Away", "Calling Elvis" and "Romeo & Juliett", among so many other well-adored hits that has made this incredible guitar legend famous.

Dire Straits were one of the biggest shows through the 80's and have continued to bring new fans to their fold as their music stands the test of time. Fronted by 'Noel Davies' who captures the enigmatic Knopfler in both voice and guitar he will be joined on stage with the subtle players needed to reimagine this catalogue. 

So get your sweat bands out and Western 'Pearl Snap' shirts ready to enjoy this fresh take on the Dire Straits tradition...

Noel Davies - guitar/ vocals
Gary Fredericks - guitar/ vocals
Emile Nelson - bass/ vocals
Peter Rundle- keys
Stuart Henderson - drums